All Palm Oils Are Not Created Equal
Farming practices to harvest palm oil in Southeast Asia have led to devastating habitat loss for Siberian tigers, Sumatran orangutans and hundreds of other species that are threatened by the clear-cutting of palm plantations. These practices deplete soils, break up natural habitat, and severely compromise local economies over the long term. Yet, palm oil is a super nutritious fat, high in tocotrienols, as well as short and medium-chain fatty acids that the body uses for energy. Palm oil is also the most stable fat to use in baking and ensures a fresh product that will not become rancid. Rancid foods are very toxic and have a pro-inflammatory effect on the body, but most consumers do not know how how to detect the smell of rancidity.
After a year of testing many types of oils in our cookies and cracker recipes, Carla and Rodolfo knew that the best fat for these products was palm, but just as they do with each ingredient used in jovial’s products, they needed to know more about the farmers behind the ingredient. Once they found a network of organic farmers and small production facilities that support local economies and have a positive impact not just on the product, but on the people who produce them, they knew they could feel good about palm oil.
Palm Done Right is jovial’s sole supplier of organic palm oil because through thoughtful management, organic small-scale palm oil producers can coexist, and even improve, the conditions not only for the forest, animals and habitat but also for the communities and land that produce palm oil. Palm Done Right is a network of suppliers, organic farmers and distributors that focus on habitat protection, biodiversity and sustainability all while providing purposeful and meaningful work to farmers. Palm Done Right rejects techniques that take virgin forest and clear cut and burn to produce palm oil and fosters a better relationship between the need for this crop and the animals, farmers and land where it is produced. With Palm Done Right, farmers are empowered and communities thrive.
To learn more about palm oil and why sustainable practices are so important, visit Palm Done Right .